Regular viewers may remember the plans for a greenhouse – now that the overbearing sycamore tree has been cut back. And after much dithering, we opted for a Palram hybrid greenhouse with polycarbonate panels. Hmm, it arrived – together with the 104 page instruction manual.
There were a few worrying moments as the wind got up and those flimsy uprights started to wave about but the kit was good – all the parts were numbered and the panels went in fine. It’s called a hybrid as it has clear side panels but translucent roof ones (82% transmission compared to 90% of the clear ones), should help with shading on hot days. Should we ever get those again.
Well, May was good- had a few hot days but June is proving to be “unsettled”. We were looking forward to Viv’s birthday and it got a bit damp but then the next day beautiful sunshine – we did the same circular walk and took photos and videos to show the difference….
Wildlife filming is quite tricky. Having watched Springwatch for the last few weeks, where they make it seem so effortless, I thought I’d make my own mindfulness video of our bees. There’s 9 minutes of basically flowers with the odd bee!
There’s a point for each bee spotted and a bonus point for identifying them!
Struggling for novel titles now. Not a lot to write about really. Still managing to keep my mental head above water although the constant feeling that I’m out of my depth and will quietly slip beneath the waves any moment is gnawing away . . . .
So what have we been up to? Apart from near continuous Tweeting, Off Your Face booking, avoiding all BBC news but enjoying the odd ray of sunshine – such as Grayson Perry’s Art Club! Who’d have thought two very non-arty scientists would watch such stuff. But he is very unassuming and down to earth and we even liked some of the art work too. Springwatch has started up again and is much better for the very physical distancing of the presenters – so much better than them all stuck in a barn and trying to like each other.
So we struggle on. Had a few boat viewings but no buyer yet. Purchasing anything other than food n drink is on hold until that sells! Fingers crossed there’ll be a huge rush now – people preferring to holiday in the UK or even trying a new lifestyle afloat – we live in hope. Which is more than I can say about the UK government . . .yep, over 60,000 dead and the worst ratings in the world for handling the virus. Why aren’t people up in arms about it? New Zealand reports that they are virus free and have started to go out and hug each other, nice. My teeth are falling apart but the chance of seeing a dentist looks remote. On the bright side we have discovered more footpaths and walks in our locale. Started buying in bits and pieces to make elementary cocktails – seeing as though we’ll be publess for many months to come – trying to limit ourselves to “just the one, Mrs Wembley?” remains hard. Tomos from Tomos Trees came and carried out the tree work we booked him for back in March and a very professional job he did too.
Well, it’s now June. And are things getting any better? Creo que no! They reckon there’s about 60,000 dead now. 60,000 people who won’t see this summer. The Cummings effect has meant more than 20% of folk have gone out and eased themselves out of their lockdown.. The roads and beaches were crowded on the hot weekend. I’ve been following Janey Godley, who does a wonderful, expletive filled voice over for Nicola Sturgeon – here’s the latest:
Meanwhile back in Wales . . . . some wonderful sunsets and a walk out to see the SpaceX capsule pass overhead on its way to dock with the ISS. It must have been a special atmospheric evening (in a meteorlogical sense) as we could see the outline of the Wicklow Hills in Ireland as well as the 2 quick flashes from the marker buoy outside of Rosslare.