A Cautious Re-opening

Well, the coastal path was re-opened a few weeks ago and last week they allowed self-contained accommodation to be used plus cafes & pubs can serve folk, outside. The result has been like a starting pistol being fired! Everywhere is HEAVING. £4 to park at Abereiddy, cars everywhere. And practically every holiday let is let. Not so much as a second wave as a Tsunami!

So, what have we been up to? Cocktail hour continues, intermittently, as some of the poisons come in at a high octane, viz 5 units a go!! We’ve ventured out to other areas to do a dog walk, re-visited the Perennial Gardens and cautiously went out to sample our first pint outdoors for four months.

Time stills seems to move oddly – there is little to provide punctuation
Hunting down an old Spanish recipe for albondigas (meatballs), using beef mince, ham and smoked bacon . . .we improvised! Handfuls of fresh parsley, smoked paprika and a few other herbs and spices.
Greenhouse now free of aphids thanks to “Horseleads” for supplying a bottle of evil smelling Neem oil. dilute 1:28 and liberally spray. It works and it doesn’t effect bees, larvae that pollinate or eat bugs…just evil bugs that eat the plants. Peppers coming along nicely (F1 Pepperone, spangles, citrus and Thai hot)
Repeated visits to the beach at Pwll llong – cutting back the vegetation.
Still a bit of a dodgy path but a lot better now.
It’s that Robinson Crusoe moment – when you discover that you’re not alone . . somewhere else has been here and quite a few of them by the looks of things. Oh well, they’re not here now – chance to strip off and swim/sunbathe sky clad! No pix of this sorry!!
Another pretty beach we like – round from the port of St David’s (Porth Clais) – is the beach of Porth Lygsi. Not only was St David’s heaving, the car parks at Porth Clais was all full too. And then the coastal path had dozens of walkers . . .
Viv swears she took this picture for the beautiful flowers along the path and NOT the hunky runner!
Friday night came around and we were booked in to the Artramont Arms in Croes Goch – locals only! All physically distant (2m here) plus a one way route, hand sanitisers in abundance plus waiter service! Tom brings out the ales (Drop Squint & Seaweed Ale from Caffle Brewery) and only £3.20 a pint.
Viv’s happy! And wearing her new cashmere poncho for the occassion – fish n chips to go at 1800 (£7 odd) – brilliant. Must go again unless . . . tsunami comes . . .
Toby has been getting several, shorter walks a day and that seems to suit him better. He knows where he is here and adopts the required resigned pose.
Steve made a Negroni for himself but madam wanted a Catalina Margarita . . . .


As Wales slowly eases the Lockdown – we venture out onto more of the coastal path. Still pretty much deserted – hours of walking without seeing a soul. It won’t last, I know.

A local garden centre, near st David’s has a small garden and nursery
Quite a collection of plants – most for sale
Back in our rockery – we have this delightful plant that suddenly spring up – a big fruit, evening primrose
Is it a sea otter? No, it’s Toby. Going for a swim in Porthgain harbour.
Up Spirits! Yes, cocktail hour continues . . . working our way thru 365 cocktails! Manhattans tonight
An old walk but newly reopened to us – Pwll Deri ridge- usually seen from our window and it acts as a weather gauge!
Looking back to strumble head . . .eagle eyes can see the top of the lighthouse
Well, we all need our spirits and souls lifting at the moment – not sure if this does the job but it tastes nice
I bought this delightful Scilla plant for Viv – a succulent with miniature bluebell like flowers – she was not impressed . . . give it a few years
At last! We spotted Harry in the garden at night and managed to operate the flash on the phone camera!
Thursday’s walk – always wanted to walk up those hills you see on the way into St David’s. Carn Pen berry. We’ve done it before some 20 yrs ago. We parked on the main road, not far from those perennial gardens and did a circular walk (red line)- 2 hours+.
The footpath down to the coastal path has not seen much in the way of walkers
Stunning cliff views – once we’d got the dog over a very unfriendly stile
Despite being ill the day before, Toby was back to his normal self – yards ahead of us and knocking on the next gate.
Dramatic it is. Not often do you get to see the outline of the coastal path snaking away from you . . .
A very rugged stretch of the coast and again, not a soul about.
Surprised at how close to the edge this bit of the coastal path gets . . . it’s a long way down.

That was quite a stroll. We headed into town to do some shopping – noticing quite a few young lads in shorts, buying food and returning to their camper vans, surf boards on top – the hordes are coming!